How to Maintain a Pondless Waterfall in Lancaster, PA


Pondless waterfalls circulate water from a hidden reservoir to the top of a rock formation. The cascading water can flow through a permeable layer of decorative stones, for example, rather than into a collecting pond. They can be custom-built to fit neatly into whatever space a particular landscape has available, and can feature anything from large granite structures to dainty flagstone sheets, depending on what would suits hardscape project. Pondless waterfalls offer the sights and sounds of a waterfall feature, without the hassle of maintaining a pond. That being said, there are a few routine activities that will enhance the appearance and longevity of a pondless waterfall in Lancaster, PA.

Pondless waterfalls circulate water from a hidden reservoir to the top of a rock formation. The cascading water can flow through a permeable layer of decorative stones, for example, rather than into a collecting pond. They can be custom-built to fit neatly into whatever space a particular landscape has available and can feature anything from large granite structures to dainty flagstone sheets, depending on what would suits the hardscape project. Pondless waterfalls offer the sights and sounds of a waterfall feature, without the hassle of maintaining a pond. That being said, there are a few routine activities that will enhance the appearance and longevity of a pondless waterfall in Lancaster, PA:


Initial maintenance Pondless Waterfall  


A pondless waterfall constructed using rock can present a few typical problems soon after installation. For example, the walls of the hidden reservoir may shorten as the rocks settle, causing the water within to overflow. This leads to a decrease in the amount of water that is pumped to the top of the waterfall and can reduce its visual and auditory impact. The initial maintenance of a pondless waterfall will entail checking for the settling of structures and raising the edges of the reservoir above the water level once again. Clear indicators that the walls of the reservoir have settled include wet mulch or soil at the edge of the waterfall.    


Combat algae

Moisture, sunlight and organic material create a perfect habitat for algae. The maintenance of a pondless waterfall should, therefore, entail the prevention and control of the growth of algae. The nutrients that the algae require to grow tend to enter the waterfall in the form of decaying plant matter, so keep the waterfall should be kept clear of such debris. Bear in mind that the nitrogen and phosphorus that algae require can also be provided by lawn fertilizers. Any visible algae should be removed regularly using a stiff brush and algaecides. 

Watch out for evaporation

One known benefit of pondless waterfalls is that they utilize significantly less water than waterfalls installed into ponds. This is because the water is constantly recycled and protected from evaporation. However, the water in a pondless waterfall will eventually evaporate and the reservoir will need to be refilled. A pondless waterfall typically requires weekly replenishment, but may require more frequent refills in hot weather. The smaller the reservoir, the more often it will need to be checked and refilled to avoid ruining the pump by allowing it to run dry. 


Keep it clear of debris

Pondless waterfalls are wonderfully versatile and can be built using rocks of various shapes and sizes. The more varied the selection of rocks, and their placement, the more captivating the waterfall will be. However, these mismatched rocks create crevices between them which trap plant debris such as leaves and twigs. Remove this plant matter regularly to prevent algae from taking hold and feeding off its organic contents. Plant debris can also clog the pump and prevent water from circulating to the top of the waterfall. Debris should be cleared on a weekly basis – or every time the reservoir is replenished. Adding the use of a sludge and slime remover to your weekly maintenance routine will also help to prevent debris from building up and will improve the health of the water feature.  
