Appliances That Enhance Outdoor Kitchens in Lancaster, PA


The perfect outdoor kitchen for a Lancaster, PA, home depends on the homeowner’s lifestyle. The options depend on how it’ll be used and the freedom you have in starting fresh to design and build a brand-new feature that can be tailored to meet the needs and expectations of the family’s everyday life. Consider some of these appliances that could enhance your next outdoor kitchen project.

The perfect outdoor kitchen for a Lancaster, PA, home depends on the landscape professional’s lifestyle. It could be as decked out as the indoor kitchen or scaled back for simplicity. The options depend on how it’ll be used and the freedom you have in starting fresh to design and build a brand-new feature that can be tailored to meet the needs and expectations of the family’s everyday life. Consider some of these appliances that could enhance your next outdoor kitchen project.

Wood-Fired Brick Ovens


The brick oven is among one of the favorites for outdoor kitchens because of the ability to incorporate it into an outdoor fireplace. You get the functionality of two amenities at one time. These appliances are perfect for family time and entertaining. They add character and ambiance. If a real wood fired oven won’t make sense for this particular project, you can still create a very similar feel by using gas in lieu of real wood.

Image Source – Unilock

The Built-in Grill

The built-in grill is a staple in outdoor kitchens. It adds the pizzazz of cooking in the great outdoors but with the functionality of an indoor gas stove top. The temperatures can be controlled, and there is plenty of room to cook a feast for entertaining. The surrounding countertop adds to the functionality of food prep, presentation, and cooking space.

Related: 4 Uses of Natural Stone in OutdoorKitchens in State College, PA

Refrigerators and Wine Coolers

Depending on how elaborate the scale and style of the outdoor kitchen, either an outdoor refrigerator or an outdoor wine cooler could be great additions. In fact, you could inquire about both to make the outdoor kitchen complete. This would enable beverages to be chilled while everyone lounges poolside and it would also offer a place to keep food until it’s ready to be prepared. Another plus: This eliminates the hassle of going back and forth from the indoor kitchen to the outdoor living space. Having everything at the ready is a culinary master’s dream.


The sink, although seemingly so simple and not as exciting of an addition, is certainly an important component to any kitchen. Being able to keep the mess outside and not have to carry it indoors is a crucial recommendation you may want to make. A sink enables easy cleaning of the kitchen area, dishes, and utensils, as well as the draining and emptying of contents that are part of the cooking process, along with nearly empty yet unwanted beverages. This could be an invaluable asset to the outdoor living space to keep it free of bugs that may be attracted to leftover liquids. What’s more, this area can also double as a wet bar.

Related: What CAN\’T you cook in a WoodFired Brick Oven?

The Outdoor Bar

Speaking of wet bars: Adding a keg tap will complete the look and make the home the envy of every football game and sporting event. The owners could have the luxury of walking to their very own bar to pour that nice foaming ale. Installing an under-the-counter freezer to keep the mini keg cool can add a place to store other items such as food, ice pops, and frozen treats. You can keep all of the family happy with this outdoor kitchen addition.


A smoker is another great contribution to an outdoor kitchen and is often overlooked as an option. These particular appliances aren’t necessarily used every day or as often as many other appliances, but they can hold a large amount of meat and food, cook for long periods with minimal attention, and produce a gourmet flavor that is like no other. 
